Image Some time ago, exactly on 27-30 November 2008 in the event the computer Exhibition Your Digital Playground SITEX in Singapore in 2008, in the midst of the exhibitor from the various brands of the world tucked a national brand pride of Indonesia, Zyrex!
A slap and a new step for Zyrex to enter the international market after more than 12 years in the State Berjaya own. Accepted as a variety of reactions in the know that was brand Zyrex computer on the raft and domiciled in Jakarta, Indonesia.
See all comments Mr. Lie "From Indonesia? Oh .. I can not believe it your Country has its own computer brand "amazed reaction such disbelief over most of the locals come from Singapore. There are also Indonesian citizens who are living just found out that there is a brand Zyrex National. "I just knew it was brand Indonesia Zyrex I thought the outside brand, well so proud of our brand can come to compete here" so said Mr.. Robin from Kalimantan who had worked there since 3 years ago.
This initial step is expected to be followed by subsequent steps as presented Sdri. Yuliana Tan (Marcomm Manager PT. Zyrexindo Mandiri Buana) "It turned out that we can respond very positively to this first step and we will continue to consistently penetrate the global market in the future"
Stand Zyrex also provides the facility for free caricature drawings, in which media images using a tablet PC series of Wakatobi which has touch screen feature, this feature is the interest by the visitors who are willing to queue for making a caricature of his face.